Sunday, June 20, 2010

Part II of Infinity: Comprehensive Edition

The Hurt Locker - this was actually really good, even tho I hate war movies
Flame & Citron - very good-looking Danish resistance fighters in WWII epic
Queen Margot - the most beautiful French actress of all time in huge bloody epic romance with hot-hotty frenchman
Finding Neverland - Johnny Depp should never grow up


Weeds - super entertaining and cute 1/2 hour show
Six Feet Under - I bawled my brains out at the series finale
Sopranos - It is as awesome as everyone says.

Old-Timey Movies!
Double Indemnity - "How fast was I going? I think around ninety."
The Third Man - cool angley shots, great music, great last scene
Notorious (In Jenny's top 3 favorite movies of all time)
The Women! This should be mandatory viewing for you, it's awesome.

The Deer Hunter - super intense, but awesome
3 Days of the Condor - Robert Redford spy intrigue, very fun. Features REALLY old technology.
All the President's Men - Woodward & Bernstein!
Midnight Cowboy - bleak, but classic
Marathon Man - "Is it safe?"
The Hot Rock - super fun jewel heist film w/ Robert Redford

Xanadu - Olivia Neutron Bomb + Roller Skates + ELO = disco insanity
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (starring Peter Frampton and featuring the music of The Beatles)
Sid & Nancy (VERY formative in my life, I probably don't have to tell you that)
Videodrome - starring a certain Ms. Deborah Harry

Regular Horror:
MAKE YOURSELF WATCH ALIEN. It's mandtatory you watch that movie at least once in your life.
The Changeling - not the one with angelina jolie, but the older horror movie.
Hannibal - A lot of people didn't like it. I am not among them.

Japanese Horror:
Battle Royale - a bunch of teenagers on an island and they have to kill each other - very messed up
Oldboy - indescribable. Also extremely messed up and violent.
Ringu (duh)
Pulse- apparently red tape keeps ghosts out.

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