Sunday, June 20, 2010

Part I of Infinity: Documentary Edition

The Bridge - documentary about the people who jump off the golden gate bridge
Encounters at the End of the World - awesome doc about the smartie nerds that live on Antarctica doing super-cool science stuff like neutrinos, volcanoes and studying animals
This Film is Not Yet Rated - awesome documentary about how they really decide on movie ratings, it's so messed up
Art & Copy - pretty good documentary about important moments in advertising
Religulous - I love bill maher, even tho he's probably a db in real life
Maxed Out - horrifying documentary about the evil menace that is credit card companies
Word Play - doc about crossword puzzles. I really liked it, but I also really like crosswords - has lots of good cameos like Jon Stewart and Bill Clinton
Ralph Nader: An Unreasonable Man - I heart Ralph Nader and his idealistic political ideas
Enron: The Smartest Guys In the Room - traders with hearts of coal
The Corporation - stuff you probably don't want to know... but should
Food Inc. - lets just say some permanent changes to my eating habits happened after this movie
Frontline: The Persuaders - this is an AWESOME episode about how certain people influence our buying habits.

Here are some more of my fave Frontline eps:
Frontline: The Medicated Child

Frontline: Digital Nation

Frontline: The Dark Side

Frontline: The Madoff Affair

Frontline: College, Inc.

Frontline: Inside the Meltdown
Frontline: The Card Game


  1. Two more FRONTLINEs: The Age of AIDS, and Ghosts of Rwanda.

  2. YES! The Age of AIDS was great. I will put Ghosts of Rwanda on my netflix Q.
